Luxury & Designer Handbag Gold Plating Restoration

We often see the gold-plated metal on luxury handbags and purses succumb to wear and tarnish long before the purse's lifespan expires. In these instances, we can restore the vivid gold finish on the metal hardware of your handbag. We complete our re-gold plating with 24K gold.

  • Gold Plating Restoration Before & After
  • Gold Plating Restoration Before & After
  • Gold Plating Restoration Before & After

Benefits of Re-Gold Plating

Preserve Value: Maintain the value of your luxury handbag with fresh gold plating. You will see an improved aesthetic appearance and an improvement in the resale value.

 Improved Longevity: A fresh gold plating on your handbag’s metal hardware adds additional protection to the integrity of the underlying metal.

Cost Effective: Re-gold plating is more cost-effective than purchasing new designer handbags or purses. It can also restore the original appearance of items no longer in commercial circulation.

How it works